(C) 2019 by Damir Cavar
This is a tutorial related to the discussion of grammar engineering and parsing in the class Alternative Syntactic Theories and Advanced Natural Language Processing taught at Indiana University in Spring 2019.
The examples presuppose an installed Python 3.x NLTK module with all the dependent modules and packages, as well as the data set for NLTK.
coming soon...
The initial code examples here were taken from http://www.nltk.org/howto/ccg.html and adapted for our course needs.
In [5]:
from nltk.ccg import chart, lexicon
We can specify a lexicon as follows:
In [6]:
lex = lexicon.fromstring('''
:- S, NP, N, VP
Det :: NP/N
Pro :: NP
Modal :: S\\NP/VP
the => Det
that => Det
that => NP
I => Pro
you => Pro
we => Pro
chef => N
cake => N
children => N
dough => N
will => Modal
should => Modal
might => Modal
must => Modal
and => var\\.,var/.,var
to => VP[to]/VP
without => (VP\\VP)/VP[ing]
be => TV
cook => TV
eat => TV
cooking => VP[ing]/NP
give => DTV
is => (S\\NP)/NP
prefer => (S\\NP)/NP
which => (N\\N)/(S/NP)
persuade => (VP/VP[to])/NP
We instantiate a parser instance using this lexicon specification:
In [7]:
parser = chart.CCGChartParser(lex, chart.DefaultRuleSet)
The following function wraps the parser calls. It takes a parser object as the first argument and the sentence as a string as the second.
In [8]:
def parse(myparser, sentence):
for p in myparser.parse(sentence.split()): # doctest: +SKIP
In [9]:
parse(parser, "you prefer that cake")
In [10]:
parse(parser, "that is the cake which you prefer")
In [11]:
nosub_parser = chart.CCGChartParser(lex, chart.ApplicationRuleSet + chart.CompositionRuleSet + chart.TypeRaiseRuleSet)
In [12]:
parse(nosub_parser, "that is the dough which you will eat without cooking")
In [13]:
parse(parser, "that is the dough which you will eat without cooking")
In [14]:
parse(parser, "that is the cake which we will persuade the chef to cook")
In [15]:
parse(parser, "that is the cake which we will persuade the chef to give the children")
In [ ]: